
Flight Plan Material For A-320 Aircraft-Technical Material

Flight Plan :
For each and every flight rooting there will be flight plan.It should be contact with the Rooting Air Traffic Control to be contact which is mandatory.All the Flights should have the flight plan to fligt with the different situations.

All International Flights should have the flight plan for the starting point of Take Off To Landing Point.From Destination Point to arrival point.

Loading of the air craft also plays a major role.The total weight of the aircraft should be under control.Maximum Take of weight for each and every aircraft will decided depending on the load restriction.

Maximum Take Off Fuel will depend on the load Control.weight and balance of the aircraft is to be mandatory requirement for the flight.Load should be equally distributed in aircraft.This will effect while flight is take Off and Landing.

In flight Mainly Flaps Trims will be effect while flying.If load is not equally distributed trim problem will be occur.

Most of the air craft is having the same problem when load not distributed in proper way.we have one of the incident that cause the major damage of the aircraft.Stall of the aircraft is to be subject  to the lift factor.Anything beyond the lift will create the Stall.

This stall is creates major problem when flight is in air.


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